Monday, 27 August 2012

Salad Dressing

I've been meaning to actually write down some proportions of ingredients for a basic salad dressing so that when I really need it to be acceptable, I won't have any surprises. I tried making more than usual in one go once, and it turned out all greasy. Horrible. So, here's a recipe for salad dressing. It's not great, but it's something to build on.

120ml White Wine Vinegar
120ml Olive Oil
Some herbs
More salt that you would think is necessary, like a 5p coins area in a cupped hand
2 teaspoons of french mustard
1 chopped shallot either in the dressing or on the salad
as much pepper as you can be bothered to grind

This is what my salad looks like today:

You know you've arrived when you think it's worth posting a photograph of what your salad looks like today.