Wow, the internet is a wonderful thing. I googled vegetarian casserole and who would have expected an idea like this?
Green Bean Casserole with French Toast
French Toast:
2 day old bread
Salt and pepper
Fry it up, don't burn it while writing your blog like i did...
Green Bean Casserole:
For some reason the recipe I glanced at on my phone told me to parboil the beans first and then cool them under the tap until I was ready. I did so, I do not know why. I saved the resulting green water of goodness for stock.
Make a paste in the blender of onion, garlic and celery, with some thyme and rosemary. Fry it up and that'll go with the beans.
Place the beans in a dish. Onion paste mixed in with it. Then, the master stroke, a tin of cream of mushroom soup for that old time umami flavour - I found campbells reduced mushroom soup for cooking, which was cheaper, so I bought it. Cover with the french toast, Caramelised Onions and Sliced Almonds on top and bake for about 30 minutes on a medium heat.
Et Voila!
I had some feta cheese left over, so I took a chance with it on top of one corner just to find out. It sort of worked but didn't really add that much.
Next time I will pay more attention to the toast, not add so much cinnamon - you really don't need much, perhaps none, and I won't put the caramelised onions on until after the baking stage, they tasted good but as you can see, they looked a bit too black and crispy by the end...